Atlanta United

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Training Ground Insider: Jordan Serrano-Dennis

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Jordan Serrano-Dennis works as the Assistant Athletic Trainer for the Atlanta United first team at the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Training Ground.

Originally from Loxahatchee, Florida, he attended Florida State University where he earned his undergraduate degree in Athletic Training. He then went on to receive his Masters in Sports Pedagogy from Louisiana State University. In addition, Jordan completed the coursework and examinations to be a Certified Performance Enhancement Specialist.

Jordan was previously working with fellow AMB sports organization, the Atlanta Falcons, until he was notified of a position open at Atlanta United. He pursued the opportunity and is now working full time with the first team at the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Training Ground.

“The new training ground is beautiful,” said Jordan, “and once it is completed will probably be the nicest facility that I have worked in as a whole.”

“Mario (Head Athletic Trainer) and myself are lucky because we get to design and supply the training room with what we want and I think it will help us achieve the best possible outcome for the players because it is a brand new facility and we can kind of put our own mark on it, instead of coming into a place where previous people have already been and worked.”

As the Assistant Athletic Trainer, most of Jordan’s days at the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Training Ground usually start four hours before each training session tidying up the training room and making preparations. Two hours later the players begin to roll in for pre-training treatments and Jordan tends to them.

The full sessions last anywhere from one to three hours and Jordan, as well as Mario, remain at the field for the full span of practice, on deck and ready to help players when needed. After training, the two trainers go through treatments and recovery with the team before cleaning up and leaving the office.

“The experience that I have had with the team so far has been great,” says Jordan. “We are lucky to be able to work with the group of guys that we have on the team, as well as the support staff that work in this facility.

It’s only been a about a month now that Jordan has been working with the new MLS club at its brand new training ground, but already, he feels comfortable and right at home.

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